Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Bharata, the son of Dushyanta and Sakuntala

We have covered Bharata in the first installment of the story of the sixteen kings. We should have gone through his birth which was covered in the story of Dushyanta and Sakuntala narrated in the very first book of Mahabharata (Aadi Parvam) in its chapter on the birth of the main characters (Sambhava Parvam). That was just before the story of Yayati.

Dushyanta belonged to the lunar dynasty and came after Yayati in the lineage of the kings. As we have mentioned, the world famous love story of Kalidasa under the name of “Sakuntala and the token of recognition (Abhijnana SaakuntaLam )” is based on this Mahabharata tale. We shall talk about the main differences between the two after going through the story as told by the great poet, Veda Vyasa.

Please go to ‘the story of Sakuntala’ in Samskruthi (www.kunjunny.blogspot.com) for it.