Monday, January 1, 2007

Lessons in warfare

Lessons in archery included all departments of warfare. They included the use of various weapons such as arrows, clubs, sword and javelin. A warrior was also required to learn to ride on horse and elephant and drive chariots with skill . He also should learn to fight with no weapons, using his fists alone.

After the basic training the teacher would judge the capability and temperament of each disciple for advanced weapons training. Most special weapons needed the use of Mantras. A Mantra when properly taught would demand deep meditation for its perfection. It is with Mantras that the special weapons acquire potency. There is one, called a Naga (snake) Astra (arrow), that dispatches poisonous snakes. Fire is created with Aagneya Astra and water with Vaaruna Astra. Most of these come in pairs, one to nullify the power of the other.

But the most potent, called Brahma Astra, has no remedy. Once dispatched it has to destroy the target. If not, it is said to burn the whole world down.

Yudhishthira was the best in battles seated in chariots. Bheema and Duryodhana both equally excelled in the use of clubs. Aswatthama was the most accomplished in using the power of Mantras while dispatching arrows. Nakula and Sahadeva were on top in fencing. Arjuna excelled in all fields, especially in the use of arrows.

In the middle of training Drona wanted to test their skills in archery. He made a target hanging a vulture from the branch of a tree. He then asked the princes one by one to take aim. He would first ask what each one of them found as target. Yudhishthira could see the vulture and the tree, and even the teacher standing at a distance. Drona said that he was not yet ready to shoot the arrow. In this way he asked all others. Every one, except Arjuna, saw the target and its surroundings. Arjuna could see the target and nothing else. When prompted he confessed that he could not find the whole of the vulture, but only its neck. That pleased the Acharya and he asked Arjuna to shoot. Arjuna could easily bring down the head of the vulture with an arrow .

Arjuna saves Drona

Once, Drona went bathing in the river Ganga. A huge crocodile caught hold of his leg. He was capable of saving himself. But, he used the opportunity to test his disciples. Many were afraid even to go near to help him. Some tried, but failed. Arjuna was the only one who stepped into the water . He dispatched five shafts so fast that all the five pierced the mouth of the crocodile in an instant. Thus, Drona was saved.
This pleased the teacher immensely. He had found meanwhile that Arjuna had the temperament to use all special weapons with discretion. So, he taught Arjuna the secret of Brahmaastra after that incident.

Completion of Training and Final Test

In due course Drona was satisfied that he had accomplished training the princes as he was asked to do. He reported the matter to Dhritarashtra in the presence of elders like Bhishma and Vidura. Drona further suggested that they conduct a final test for all in the presence of the royal family and invited guests.

Accordingly a suitable place was chosen and prepared as specified by Drona. A convenient and auspicious date and time was also fixed. Suitable arrangements were made to seat members of the palace and their guests as per their ranks. In the middle was an open flat space for the display of skills. The spectators and participants arrived accompanied by music and drums .
Each of the trainee was given an opportunity to display his skills . Some set targets for themselves and sent arrows at them. Others rode on horseback and showed their skills. Some others climbed on the back of elephants. Some fought in pairs with swords and clubs. All displayed their control over their limbs.

Dhritarashtra could not see. He had a minister named Sanjaya who explained every move to the blind king. This was how it was to the end of the Bharatha story, even during the war.
Duryodhana and Bheemasena fought with their favourite clubs. It was difficult to say who fared better. Bheema was stronger. But, it appeared that Duryodhana was more skilled.
Then, Arjuna came on the scene. He sent arrows to various targets with such ease and speed that everyone burst into spontaneous applause. It appeared that there would never be a rival to Arjuna matching his skills.

Karna’s appearance

It was then that a voice was heard from the assembly. It was Karna who came forward to throw a challenge at Arjuna. Kunti’s instinct told her at the very first sight that he was her first born.
Karna said that he would repeat each feat of Arjuna even surpassing what the Pandava did. That was the first time that Karna made an appearance in public . Indeed Karna could prove his claim by demonstrating that he could always outdo Arjuna.

Duryodhana was very pleased. He approached Karna with an offer of lasting friendship.
Karna, then challenged Arjuna for a mock battle.

Arjuna with Drona’s blessing and support from his brothers accepted the challenge.
The two faced each other in the middle of the field. Bhishma, and Drona backed Arjuna. Duryodhana and his brothers supported Karna. Kunti almost fainted to see her two sons getting into a battle with each other.

It was then that everyone heard the voice of Kripa. Kripa introduced Arjuna to the assembly as the third son of the queen, Kunti. He asked Karna to introduce himself mentioning his lineage. What he implied was that only a prince could challenge Arjuna. This put Karna down and he hung his head in shame.

Duryodhana comes to the aid of Karna

It was Duryodhana who saved Karna from the situation. He promptly announced that the kingdom of Anga was at his disposal and that he was thereby offering it to Karna !
And indeed, Duryodhana anointed Karna in the presence of all proclaiming him as the king of Anga.

No words would suffice for Karna to express his gratitude towards Duryodhana. He was willing to do anything for his mentor. Duryodhana only wanted Karna’s lasting friendship.
There was a minor tussle between Bheemasena and Duryodhana on the scene in this matter. By then the sun was about to set. Then, further tests and display of skill were called off.